Life seems cubic(le)? Take the RUBICLE!
We do even what seems to be impossible to develop interactive courses!
We believe in what A. Einstein said: „Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act.”
e-learning course development
Creating custom e-learning solutions offering your learners comprehensive, interactive and dynamic experiences based around SCORM - compliant resources.How do we do it?
We use today’s best digital authoring tools.
Instructional Design
Providing learner analysis followed up with thorough, quantifiable enabling and terminal learning objectives, design documents, storyboards, development, implementation and publishing.What means for us?
Instructional Design is our deep passion!
Interactive Developement
Working in state-of-the-art interactive development environments, the goal is always to create unique learning solutions that will engage your learners.Unique courses!
Building course materials to keep the learners engaged is a permanent goal for us.
Happy trainees
ILT Training hours
Course materials development hours